#c: galaxy.
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NOME COMPLETO: Hwang Sarang.
IDENTIDADE DE GÊNERO E PRONOMES: Homem cisgênero, ele/dele.
DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 15/09/2000; 23 anos.
NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Seul, Coreia do Sul. Sul coreano.
FACECLAIM: Hwang Hyunjin (Stray Kids).
OCUPAÇÃO: Voluntário na Biblioteca.
EXTRACURRICULARES: Botânica e Desenho.
MORADA: Haiyang.
CONTA: cznsarang
OOC: +18
Cosmocinese. O usuário pode criar, modelar e manipular energias cósmicas para produzir quase qualquer efeito que deseje, incluindo a reestruturação molecular e a transmutação da matéria, a manipulação da matéria através do espaço e do tempo, a criação de campos de força, a criação de portais inter-dimensionais e vórtices, telecinese e consciência cósmica. O usuário pode recorrer aos cometas, meteoros, asteroides, estrelas, luas, planetas, sistemas solares, galáxias, nebulosas, buracos negros, buracos brancos, quasares e matéria escura. Eles podem gerar ventos estelares, flares solares, tempestades cósmicas e invocar chuvas de meteoros.
Ele tem a galáxia em seus olhos. Essa frase nunca fez tanto sentido em um contexto literal.
Quando o menininho da cabelinhos pretos como a noite abriu seus olhinhos, Hwang Sooyang quando o deixou cair no susto. As orbes profundamente arroxeadas com alguns toques de azul e branco brilhavam juntamente dos pingos de estrelas em seu olhar. Ela lamentou-se pelo futuro de seu menininho, ela sabia que não seria nada fácil.
A sociedade sul-coreana já era rígida, quase cruel com “pessoas normais”, o que seria de Sarang? Ela temia fortemente pela vida de seu filho.
Sozinha para cuidar da criança e lidar com o falecimento precoce do marido, a mulher fez o que pôde para tentar transformar a vida no filho na mais amorosa e normal possível, tentando evitar traumas profundos. Mas ela não podia controlar as pessoas fora de casa.
Mesmo que Sarang ainda não tivesse, de fato, revelado a natureza de seus poderes, apenas seus olhos já seriam motivo para que o mesmo fosse preso ou coisa muito pior! Sendo assim, desde que se lembra, as lentes de contato castanhas são suas melhores amigas. Mas isso não impediu de Sarang sofrer bullying com sua personalidade mais quietinha do que as demais crianças. O pequeno Hwang sempre fora atormentado das mais diversas formas, fosse algo mais simples como derrubarem suas pinturas no lixo ou fosse algo mais pesado como no episódio em que fora amarrado no terraço da escola e esquecido lá durante toda à noite. Por mais dócil e gentil que fosse, Sarang jamais seria aceito e dia após dia aquele fato vinha o consumindo, até que o fatídico dia chegou.
Já era final da tarde quando suas atividades no clube de jardinagem acabaram, Sarang tinha um coelhinho escondido no balcão atrás dos jardins já que não podia levar animais para o pequeno apartamento em que vivia com a mãe. Eram aqueles momentos com o bichinho que se sentia verdadeiramente feliz e acolhido; e é claro que não duraria muito.
Tremeu por inteiro quando o grupinho de garotos maldosos chegaram e bem… O choque de ter o seu bichinho morto na sua frente o deixou completamente transtornado.
Aos dezoito anos, no último ano de escola, a natureza verdadeira de seus poderes se revelou da pior maneira possível: o descontrole.
Fora questão de segundos para que colocasse os garotinhos no chão com os olhos inchados e sangrando de tanto coçar com a fina névoa brilhante que saiu de si, as lentes castanhas não eram mais o suficiente para esconder o quê, de fato, era… Estava tudo um caos em poucos minutos.
Sarang fora encontrado por alguém cujo não lembra o nome de Cinzano sentado em meio ao caos abraçado aos joelhos. Tudo o que se lembra é apenas uma frase:
“Cheguei tarde demais”.
Desde aquele dia, Sooyang havia desaparecido de vez da vida do filho cujo fora levado às pressas à instituição antes que a polícia chegasse e toda aquela imensa briga entre humanos e mutantes retornassem à todo vapor.
Aos vinte e três anos, fez de Cinzano a sua casa mesmo que passe despercebido pelos demais alunos. As memórias daquele dia ainda o perseguem em sonho o que o faz evitar usar de sua capacidade ao máximo para não machucar mais ninguém.
Portais I: O usuário pode criar um portal semelhante à um buraco negro com limitações como não controlar o tempo que este permanece aberto, o tamanho deste e muito menos para qual realidade alternativa ou linha do tempo está mandando seu inimigo. Esta habilidade está ligada completamente ao emocional do usuário, podendo ser bastante perigosa para aqueles com um emocional instável.
Controle das fases lunares: O usuário pode modificar todas as fases da lua com um simples comando, influenciando assim, as marés e a temperatura local. Limitação: funciona apenas durante a noite.
Manipulação de corpos celestes I: O usuário pode manipular matérias com estruturas muito similares corpos celestes sendo estes: poeiras estelares com objetivo de cegar o oponente, pequenas formações redondas de tom arroxeado com um brilho que serve como guia no escuro, formações rochosas semelhantes à pequenos meteoros, pequenas nebulosas da largura de seus braços abertos e pequenos cometas.
Telecinese I: capacidade de uma pessoa movimentar, manipular, abalar ou exercer força sobre um sistema físico sem interação física, apenas usando a mente. Pode mover coisas de um tamanho e massa parecidos com um carro. Além disso pode fazer objetos flutuarem em um raio de 20 metros, mas sem sobre o que afeta.
Ciclo cicardiano: Consegue alterar artificialmente o dia pela noite e a noite pelo dia uma vez a cada 24 horas.
Portais II: Nesse estágio, o usuário tem total controle da criação de seus pseudos-buracos negros, tendo até mesmo capacidade de saber para qual realidade alternativa ou linha temporal está “jogando” seu adversário. Limitação: Tempo que o adversário fica nessa realidade paralela.
Campos de força: Como o próprio nome diz, é capaz de criar um campo de força quase indestrutíveis, porém, apenas a sua própria volta. Limitações: Os campos de energia se enfraquecem e se tornam instáveis se o usuário estiver com medo ou sentindo uma emoção muito forte.
Manipulação do espaço tempo: O usuário é capaz de manipular a linha temporal por de até alguns minutos. Porém, nesse primeiro estágio, Sarang só tem o poder de modificar o passado que não o envolva mas sim, o de outras pessoas. No entanto, mexer com a linha temporal é algo complexo demais, podendo assim haver rasgo no tecido temporal. Limitação: até 10 minutos no passado.
Manipulação de corpos celestes II: Aqui, o usuário tem total controle de todos os corpos celestiais presentes em si. Pode criar miniaturas inspiradas em qualquer corpo celeste que ele conheça. Assim, miniaturas de estrelas fornecem luz, cometas funcionam como projéteis e planetas podem causar efeitos semelhantes a sua composição como saturno pode ser usado como um tipo de algema de corpo ou Júpiter, um planeta gasoso, usado para diminuir o O2 no lugar. Limitado a um tipo de corpo celeste a cada 6 horas.
Telecinese II: Consegue controlar qualquer objeto no seu campo de visão, bem como alterar a gravidade em um raio de 20 metros, mas com controle de quais corpos são ou não afetados.
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Comet Leonard l optiquevideo l Québec Canada
#comet#space#comet leonard#astrophotography#astronomy#stars#night#winter#sky#planets#universe#galaxy#solar system#canada#c/2021 a1
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Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS © astrofalls
#space#comet#comet tsuchinshan atlas#astrophotography#solar system#comet c/2023 a3#galaxy#stars#planet#astronomy#universe#nasa#cosmos#night sky
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#galaxy aesthetic#aesthetic#space art#astronomy#cosmos#space#purple aesthetic#purple#purple glow#wallpaper aesthetic#phone wallpaper#lockscreens#wallpaper#a e s t h e t i c#desktop wallpaper
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I know it was bad and I know it was child abuse but it's still so funny to me that Yondu stole a child, experienced Cuteness Aggression, and told Peter he was so adorable he was gonna eat him. Only Peter (a traumatised and terrified eight-year-old, freshly abducted by aliens) thought he meant it. And Yondu thought that was fucking hilarious so he kept up the 'joke' for thirty years -
#SIR WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. NORMAL PEOPLE DON'T JOKE ABOUT EATING PEOPLE. MUCH LESS THEM HAVING TO BE#GRATEFUL FOR IT#absolutely iconic line right there sdflgdsfgfdsg#gotg#yondu udonta#peter quill#space family my beloved#galaxy's okayest dad#D+ parenting at its finest#when you genuinely love a kid but a) have NO reference for how to be a good caregiver#b) are surrounded by people who threaten you and your loved ones with violence if you ever show them overt kindness#and c) are just generally a shitty person /affectionate slkdfkjdsfgdsg
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Bet you’re sorry you landed at Minot AFB huh?🥶
@ron_eisle via X
#c-5a Galaxy#lockheed aviation#transport#aircraft#usaf#aviation#cold war aircraft#aviation military pics#aviation military#military aircraft#military aviation
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Scott saying he wishes they had some snow so it could be full circle rattles around in my brain. He really still thinks this started with Pearl and the snow. He really still has forgotten that he started it with the axe crit. I’m gonna lose my mind can anyone hear me?
#oh c!scott something is wrong with you and I love it#pearlescentmoon#smajor1995#life series spoilers#wild life smp#galaxy duo
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#retro#neon#neoncore#dark aesthetic#purple#neon aesthetic#a e s t h e t i c#sparkle#glitter#galaxy#space#vaporwave#gifset
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Lockheed Martin C-5 Galaxy
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#c5 galaxy#c5#c 5 galaxy#military equipment#military aircraft#military aviation#military industrial complex#military planes#military cargo plane#military cargo#military#aircraft#air force#us air force#usaf#fighter jet#aviation#fighter plane#plane#us navy#aviation photography#aviation history#photography#walpapers
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The massive C-5 churning the low clouds on it's approach into Nuremberg
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‧₊˚✮ Y2K vampire ☆⋆。
#my babygirl my shining galaxy i love her sm#ts4#my sims#sims 4#sims#the sims 4#the sims#simblr#s4#ts4 edit#ts4 pictures#ts4 screenshots#ts4 screenshot#sims 4 edit#my edits#my pictures#kaia#c
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Comet Nishimura l Michael Jäger
#space#stars#comet#astrophotography#astronomy#comet nishimura#night#sky#solar system#planets#galaxy#c/2023 p1#nasa#universe
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Magnificent Comet McNaught © ©
#space#comet#comet mcnaught#comet c/2006 p1#astrophotography#planet#stars#solar system#galaxy#universe#astronomy#nasa#apod#cosmos#night sky
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#space aesthetic#aesthetic#space art#glitter#sparkles#backgrounds#wallpaper#blue aesthetic#universe#galaxy#galaxy aesthetic#stars aesthetic#blue core#bluecore#blue glow#outer space#space#astronomy#aesthetics#aestethic#soft aesthetic#a e s t h e t i c#art
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Scott and Pearl analysis moment
Because I’m sick and tired of people mischaracterising C!Scott he is not evil!! Pearl does not hate him!! She’s bitter sure but she doesn’t hate him.
Starting with them in last life Pearl and Scott always sticking by each other always being there for each other, I’ve seen so many “Scott was using Pearl” because he wanted a life from her. Like he’s trying to live?? It’s different from Grian stealing a life from Scar and then tormenting him and giving him nothing in return. Scott does his absolute best to protect Pearl protect their house and spend time with her.
He’s a good friend. And he’s absolutely heartbroken when she dies, because Scott knew she was going to but he didn’t want her to go before him. And he definitely keeps his cool because Scott isn’t the kind of guy to go if the rail easily, the way you can tell Scott is angry is by how reckless or determined he gets. In third life he’s distraught by Jimmy’s death and then rushes in and dies quickly because he doesn’t want to be alone. And in last life he kills Ren because he killed Pearl. He’s doing it to avenge her.
He’s glad when he wins but he’s not upset when he dies either. He’s annoyed that he didn’t get to choose his own death but. He celebrates winning because he doesn’t have to lose anybody else.
And so jump to double life and all of a sudden the person he loves so much and has gone out of his way to protect doesn’t even take the time to go looking for him, so you can see why he’s upset. And it’s the biggest miscommunication moment ever because Pearl is expecting to go back and have Scott waiting with open arms for her, and she can’t explain to him and doesn’t understand what she did wrong, which tbh is nothing but that doesn’t make the way Scott feels invalid either.
And then it kind of all goes to shit, Scott’s more snappy and on edge this season because he won the last one and ya know winners trauma. And he honestly doesn’t want to win again so when Cleo suggests tormenting Pearl (I think that’s how it happens I don’t remember it might have been scar with the snow buckets first) he’s all for it!! Because he’s hurting!!
And pearl on the other hand is left alone and has no idea what to do with herself, because sure she can handle being alone but she can’t handle being alone like this, where’s she’s forced into isolation, she’s going crazy because she feels like everyone she loves has left her, she’s mad at Scott and she’s more mad at Cleo because she feels like Cleo has stolen him from her. And so she lashes out because it’s all she knows how to do here, and in a death game what’s a better form of communication than violence?
But she doesn’t want Scott to die not because she wants to live but because she still cares even if she doesn’t want to care. She wants Scott to hurt because she’s hurting, but like Scott in last life she can’t bare to see him die before her.
She’s winning this to prove herself to be someone who doesn’t need Scott. But she still cares so much and she hates it, that’s why she spends the first couple sessions trying to win him back.
And Scott is with Cleo but he feels alone too, because Cleo’s relationship with Martyn isn’t as strained as his is with Pearl. And he knows it’s his fault, he does. That’s why he starts trying to sabotage other relationships, so he doesn’t have to feel as bad.
That’s why he’s careful to stay alive, so he can make it up to Pearl in some way.
He avoids everything he can that might make him face that guilt. But he’s hurt and is stuck with all the blame placed on him. Everyone KNOWS it’s Scott’s fault Pearl is the way she is. But no one but Cleo acknowledges this which makes Scott more bitter, and honestly he’s a little bit scared of Pearl not that he’ll admit that to anyone ever.
But him feeling this guilt is why he kills himself at the end that and because he’s scared of winning again. But he knows he doesn’t deserve getting to where he’s gotten to, and with his self sacrificial nature he’s trying to make it up to her. If she watches him hurt and hurt and die, maybe she’ll feel better.
AND SHE DOES FORGIVE HIM!!! NOT BECAUSE SHE LIKES SEEING HIM HURT!! SHE HATES THAT PART!! SHE FORGIVES HIM BECAUSE SHE CAN SEE HOW MUCH HE CARES! And obviously she’s still a little bit bitter because like who wouldn’t be. But she forgives him and she can see he’s trying that he feels awful about it, so awful that actually kills himself.
And you can see how double life effects both of them moving forward, mainly Scott, he’s scared of hurting anyone the way he hurt pearl, so he goes out of his way to let his friend and allies kill him over and over so he can be of use to them, because he’s realised that his life, lives can be used as currency as friendship as a way to get people not to hate him. He’s putting himself on sale.
He does it in secret life too giving up his lives his hearts his safety, just to be of use. He can’t even bring himself to really care when people betray him, because hey he betrayed Pearl worse right?
Pearl is so much more unhinged after double life too so much more reckless. Because why try and stay hinged when you’re going to loose everything anyways?
And coincidentally all of pearls allies start dying before her, and Everytime it happens she’s just reminded of double life, of that tower, of everything bad that ever happened. And because of that she can’t bring herself to forgive Scott yet. Because she doesn’t feel loved yet.
And then wild life comes, and they team together again, and yes it starts with some bickering and fighting but they needed to get that out they needed to bring it up so they can let it go.
Pearl has her own issues with Gem that season sure, but she gets something close to closure with Scott. Not proper closure, because they’re in a death game, they don’t have enough time they never will. But she gets a real end, and gets a chance at a real friendship with Scott again. She even gives him her hoodie when he turns red. They stick together they’re friends again.
Pearl doesn’t hate him!! He doesn’t belittle her!! I keep seeing “oh Scott didn’t trust Pearl oh he’s treating her badly because he’s keeping her on a leash and not enabling her chaos!!” HES WORRIED ABOUT HER??? HE WANTS HER TO BE SAFE AND KEEP THE TEAM SAFE AND THE ONLY WAY IN SCOTTS BRAIN IS TO CONTROL??? HE DOESNT NOT BELIEVE SHE CAN DO IT HES JUST WORRIED FOR HER FUCK OFF MAN
Anyways, and then Scott dies before Pearl and she doesn’t have the time for a reaction.
It’s not over for them, it’s not close to being over, but it’s getting better. And they’re BOTH getting a chance to heal, not just Pearl, because Pearl wasn’t the only fucking person that got hurt.
Sometimes I wonder if people watch the series with their eyes closed and volume off because how could you ever believe that Pearl truly hates Scott?
#scott smajor#trafficblr#life series#pearlescentmoon#mcyt#martyn inthelittlewood#limited life#the life series#double life smp#last life smp#secret life smp#wild life smp#life series analysis#analysis post#galaxy duo#c!scott haters mischaraterise like it’s their job#c!scott haters when they don’t pay attention to Scott AND Pearl and force Pearl to be their#“strong mistreated girlboss slay#when she’s actually a character with more depth and emotion than that#her hating Scott would be too easy for her#which is why forgiving Scott is such an important part of her character#and shows who she really is
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